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Understanding the SDGs

As a first step, companies can assist in familiarizing themselves with the SDGs.

Defining Priorities

To seize the most important business opportunities presented by the SDGs and reduce risks, companies are encouraged to define their priorities based on an assessment of the current and potential impact on the SDGs across their value chains.

Setting Goals

Goal setting is critical to business success and helps foster shared priorities and better performance across the organization. By aligning company goals with the SDGs, the leadership can demonstrate its commitment to sustainable development.


Integrating sustainability into the core business and governance of the company, and embedding sustainable development targets in outcomes is key to achieving set goals. To pursue shared objectives or address systemic challenges, companies could engage in partnerships across the value chain, within their sector or with governments and civil society organizations

Reporting and Communicating

The SDGs enable companies to report information on sustainable development performance using common indicators and a shared set of priorities. By building the SDGs into their communication and reporting with stakeholders, companies can enhance employee, investor, and customer satisfaction with their business model.

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